Which recorder.pl

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Revision as of 22:40, 10 September 2011 by Sphery (talk | contribs) (It's the master backend log file, now.)

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Important.png Note: The correct title of this article is which_recorder.pl. It appears incorrectly here due to technical restrictions.

Author Michael T. Dean
Description Parses the backend log file and outputs information on which capture card was used to record shows, formatted for inclusion in the backend status page.
Supports Version21.png  Version22.png  Version23.png  Version24.png  

which_recorder.pl parses the master backend log file and outputs information on which capture card was used to record shows, formatted for inclusion in the backend status page.


which_recorder.pl /path/to/master/backend/log/file

Because which_recorder.pl displays information about all recordings in your log file, you'll probably want to rotate your log files occasionally.

If you have multiple backends, which_recorder.pl must be run against the master backend log file. The master backend must be run with a verbose level that includes the "general" verbose messages (which is part of the default verbosity).

To output the information to the console, rather than use it in the Miscellaneous Status Info section of the backend status page, you may call the script with the --text argument.

 which_recorder.pl --text /path/to/master/backend/log/file

Script.png which_recorder.pl

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Parses the backend log file and includes information on which capture card was used to record shows.

my $mode = shift;
my $log_file = shift;

if ($mode ne "--text")
    $log_file = $mode;

#2008-08-30 15:59:41.969 Started recording: Not My Life: channel 1651 on cardid 1, sourceid 1

open($fh, "<$log_file") or die "Unable to open log file '$log_file', stopping:";

my ($time, $title, $chanid, $cardid, $sourceid);
my $subtitle;
my $index = 0;

sub print_text
    print "$time - $title";
    print ": $subtitle" if ($subtitle);
    print "\n";
    print " - Capture Card ID: $cardid\n";
    print " - Video Source ID: $sourceid\n";
    print " -      Channel ID: $chanid\n";

sub print_xml
    print "<a href=\"#\">$time - $title";
    print ": $subtitle" if ($subtitle);
    print " - Capture Card: $cardid<br />".
          "<span><strong>$title</strong> $time<br />";
    print "<em>$subtitle</em><br />" if ($subtitle);
    print "<br />Channel ID: $chanid<br />Capture Card ID: $cardid<br />".
          "Video Source ID: $sourceid<br /></span></a><hr />";
    # For XML parsers
    print "[]:[]capture_info$index\[]:[]time='$time':title='$title'".

while (<$fh>)
    if (/^(.*) Started recording: (.*): channel (\d+) on cardid (\d+), sourceid (\d+)/)
        print "<h3>Capture Information</h3><div class=\"schedule\""
          if (($index == 0) && ($mode ne "--text"));
        ($time, $title, $chanid, $cardid, $sourceid) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
        if ($title =~ /(.+) "(.*)"/)
            $title = $1;
            $subtitle = $2;
            $subtitle = '';
        if ($mode eq "--text")

print "</div>" if (($index > 0) && ($mode ne "--text"));

close $fh;