A new home for MythTV

  • Howdy! This is something that's been in the works for quite a while now, but we are finally on a brand new server, at a brand new host. I'll let Chris Petersen (aka xris, aka the MythWeb guy) explain more:
  • A few months ago, Isaac mentioned to some of the other devs that the server hosting mythtv.org (and the mailing lists, svn, etc.) was reaching its limit. After a fruitless search for a new inexpensive host, Isaac contacted the OSU Open Source Lab to see if they would host MythTV's services and I brought it up as a sponsorship opportunity at my work, Silicon Mechanics, where we specialize in rackmount servers.

    SiMech has always been a supporter of open source software, and with two key employees (Rob Smith aka kormoc and myself) actively involved with MythTV, it was an easy decision to become an official sponsor and donate an Opteron server.

    The new server is a Rackform nServ A210 with a 2-GHz dual-core Opteron and enough RAM, drive space and expansion slots to keep mythtv.org running smoothly into the foreseeable future. It turns out that the folks at OSU OSL are fans of MythTV, and they have generously offered to host the server in their brand new colocation facility.

    - Chris Petersen

Posted by Isaac on September 28th 2006